Romans chapter 4.
I encourage you to read the entire chapter of Romans 1 twice prior to reading the devotional thoughts below. It is important to note that although devotionals are helpful resources, they cannot replace reading and studying the chapter in context.
Faith comes first.
Works to earn Christ do not please God. Works to earn heaven do not please God. Works to earn approval do not please God. Any work we do must be first fueled by faith. This faith means to be fully convinced that God is who He says He is, and He will do what He said He will do.
By faith, we are fully convinced that Christ came from heaven to earth, died on the cross, rose from the grave, and is seated on the right hand of the Father.
By faith, we are fully convinced that when we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord in accordance with scripture, WE ARE SAVED.
By faith, we are fully convinced that it is by the work of Christ ALONE that we are made righteous. There is nothing I could do to earn this, however, this righteousness is a free gift given to us by Christ.
This faith fuels our actions. Our daily activities are not driven in order to earn God in any way. Our daily efforts are fueled by the faith-filled understanding that God is who he says he is. God will do what He said He will do, and through Christ, I have been made righteous, and the Holy Spirit is here to teach me how to live a life in accordance with what I have been made.
Because we believe all of this by faith, there is now an understanding that my works will never be enough to save me. My works are only an outward show of my faith. But my faith is rooted IN Christ and only Christ alone can save!
Why is it important to have faith inform your works?
What does faith in Christ mean?
What are some examples of faith lived out?
Dear Lord, help us to not attempt to rely on faith for our salvation. Help us to fully trust in You for our salvation. Help us to understand that faith comes first and our works flow from faith. Our works do not earn us anything but rather they are an outward demonstration of an inward conviction. In Jesus’ name, Amen!