Romans chapter 2.
I encourage you to read the entire chapter of Romans 1 twice prior to reading the devotional thoughts below. It is important to note that although devotionals are helpful resources, they cannot replace reading and studying the chapter in context.
“A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.”
Romans 2:28
The law points us to our need for a savior, but the law is unable to save us. The apostle Paul shows us that even the most devout law keepers are unable to keep the law fully. Why would Paul highlight our inability to keep the law? Why would Paul not teach us how to fully keep the law? The answer is simple, Paul is continuing to build his case that we truly all need Jesus.
It seems much simpler to us to have a rubric to determine our righteousness. And then, we can use that same rubric to determine the righteousness of those around us. But the reality is still the same; we will all fall short of God’s standards. Without God, we cannot be righteous. Apart from God, we will not be justified. Without God’s help, we cannot be with God.
We need God, and God gave himself to us through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It’s not our perfect circumcision that saves us.
It’s not our perfect kosher meal that saves us.
It is not our perfect observance of the sabbath that saves us.
It is easy to look at someone else’s lifestyle and determine that we are righteous. It is easy to look at someone else’s sin and determine our sin is not that bad. But when we look at the law entirely, we will find that there are many places where we, too, fell short.
Which means we need Jesus. Our works are not enough to cover our sins. Our works cannot make us righteous. Only Christ can do that.
In what ways have you tried to earn your righteousness?
Were you able to do that perfectly?
How does your attempt to earn righteousness further prove your need for Jesus?
Dear Lord, Help us to truly and deeply understand we need you. Help us to truly understand that apart from you our works mean nothing. Amen!