Romans chapter 1.
I encourage you to read the entire chapter of Romans 1 twice prior to reading the devotional thoughts below. It is important to note that although devotionals are helpful resources, they cannot replace reading and studying the chapter in context.
“For I am not ashmed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”
Romans 1:6
What does it mean not to be ashamed of the gospel? Many times we take it to only mean we will stand and boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Yes, we must always be willing and ready to share the gospel. However, we must also not be ashamed to NEED the gospel.
We live in a world that says you are not successful unless you do it on your own. Everyone wants to be independent and self-made. The title of a self-made millionaire is a sought-after accomplishment many see as the pinnacle of success. But not being ashamed of the gospel means I must not be ashamed to NEED Jesus!
To not be ashamed of the gospel means I realize that my good works didn’t earn me salvation.
To not be ashamed of the gospel means I realize that it wasn’t my diligence that gave me peace.
To not be ashamed of the gospel means I realize and proclaim that it wasn’t my strength that set me free.
To boldly proclaim MY OWN need for a savior, healer, and deliver is to be unashamed.
How often do we shrink back when it comes to sharing why we need a savior? How often do we get embarrassed by the life Jesus saved us from? Perhaps we pretend like the past didn’t happen so that we can appear to have it all together. The reality of it is that WE ALL NEED JESUS! We need not be ashamed to need Him!
The truth is that you and I needed to be rescued, and without Jesus, we were unable to stand before a righteous God, but because of Him, we can boldly approach the throne of grace. Let’s admit it, all of us are no different. Sin is sin in God’s eyes, and we have all committed it. It doesn’t matter where you are from, how much scripture you know, or what titles you hold.
The truth remains… WE ALL NEED JESUS!
Let’s make it even more personal… I NEED JESUS!
And let us be unashamed of the good news that Jesus Christ saved us from the darkness and brought us into the light!
What was your life like when Jesus saved you?
Did you need a savior?
Does the world around you know that you NEED a savior?
Dear Lord, thank you for saving us. Thank you for not allowing us to stay in the dark. Thank you for bringing us into the light. Help us to learn to boldly share our need for a savior without shame. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!